Pygments Lexer for Syntax Highlighting of Methods, Classes, Type Hints, and more

sphinx_github_style.lexer.get_builtins()View on GitHub
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def get_builtins() -> Dict[str, Set]: """Returns a dictionary containing names of built-in functions, classes, and methods""" funcs_meths = set(dict(getmembers(builtins, isbuiltin))) classes = set() for class_name, _class in getmembers(builtins, isclass): methods = getmembers(_class, ismethoddescriptor) funcs_meths.update(dict(methods)) classes.add(class_name) return { 'funcs': funcs_meths, 'classes': classes }

Returns a dictionary containing names of built-in functions, classes, and methods

Return type

Dict[str, Set]

class sphinx_github_style.lexer.GitHubLexer(*args, **kwds)View on GitHub
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class GitHubLexer(PythonLexer): """A Pygments Lexer that adds syntax highlighting for the methods, classes, type hints, etc. in a Python package""" name = 'TDK' url = '' aliases = ['tdk'] def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text): """Override to add better syntax highlighting""" tokens = list(PythonLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text)) for token_idx, (index, token, value) in enumerate(tokens): # Highlight builtins as either function calls or type hints if token is Name.Builtin and value in BUILTINS['classes']: if tokens[token_idx+1][-1] == '(': yield index, Name.Builtin, value else: yield index, Name.Builtin.Pseudo, value elif token is Name: if value[0].isupper(): # Highlight as class yield index, Name.Class, value elif tokens[token_idx+1][-1] == '(': # Highlight as function yield index, Keyword.Pseudo, value else: yield index, Name, value else: yield index, token, value

A Pygments Lexer that adds syntax highlighting for the methods, classes, type hints, etc. in a Python package

name = 'TDK'

Full name of the lexer, in human-readable form

url = ''

URL of the language specification/definition. Used in the Pygments documentation.

aliases = ['tdk']

A list of short, unique identifiers that can be used to look up the lexer from a list, e.g., using get_lexer_by_name().

get_tokens_unprocessed(text)View on GitHub
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def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text): """Override to add better syntax highlighting""" tokens = list(PythonLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text)) for token_idx, (index, token, value) in enumerate(tokens): # Highlight builtins as either function calls or type hints if token is Name.Builtin and value in BUILTINS['classes']: if tokens[token_idx+1][-1] == '(': yield index, Name.Builtin, value else: yield index, Name.Builtin.Pseudo, value elif token is Name: if value[0].isupper(): # Highlight as class yield index, Name.Class, value elif tokens[token_idx+1][-1] == '(': # Highlight as function yield index, Keyword.Pseudo, value else: yield index, Name, value else: yield index, token, value

Override to add better syntax highlighting